About me

I am an astronomer and astrophysicist from the Department of Physics at the University of Santiago de Chile (USACH), with a PhD in astrophysics from the University of Oxford, England. I defended my thesis on the evolution of stellar black holes at the age of 25. My current research focuses on the origins of planets, and I am deeply involved in the art-science interface through literature, science communication, and education. I lead the Millennium Nucleus for Young Exoplanets and Their Moons (YEMS) and the interdisciplinary center CIRAS. I also direct the Astrodialogues project, which seeks to develop virtual reality experiences through intercultural dialogues about the sky between indigenous communities and scientific communities. I am the founder and director of the Concierto Cielos initiative and a soloist in the Concerto for Charango and Orchestra. As the author of the astronomy novel "Bitácora planetaria: cazadores de eclipses," my goal is to inspire children to explore science. At the University of Santiago de Chile, I've worked closely with the Physics Department to help establish an astrophysics degree with a focus on data science, the first of its kind. I've developed a new method for detecting young planets and have authored and contributed to over eighty publications in international journals. I am an alumni of the Djerassi art-science residency "Scientific Delirium Madness" in San Francisco, California.


Astrophysics and other courses taught over the years.

Multidisciplinary research in astrophysics and beyond

This section is dedicated to showcasing our projects and initiatives at the confluence of astrophysics with art, literature, and digital innovation, illustrating how science can transcend traditional boundaries.


The Center for Interdisciplinary Research in Astrophysics and Space Sciences (CIRAS) is an initiative led by faculty members at the University of Santiago de Chile (USACH) that promotes research through multidisciplinary connections between astrophysics, space sciences, computer engineering, mathematics, biology, and education.


The Millennium Nucleus on Young Exoplanets and their Moons (YEMS) is an astronomy-informatics multidisciplinary effort funded by Iniciativa Científica Milenio and hosted by four universities in Chile. YEMS scientific objectives involve detecting and characterizing young exoplanets and exomoons to answer the long-standing question of their formation.


A project to develop virtual reality experiences based on intercultural dialogues about the sky between indigenous communities and scientists. In 2022, the first dialogues with members of the Mapuche communities were established, and work began on developing an experience called Explorando el Wenumapu (Exploring Wenumapu).

Concierto Cielos

This initiative merges science and music through a journey of brief scientific outreach talks intertwined with musical works and a visual spectacle based on images of Chilean astronomy.